Föhrenbergkreis Finanzwirtschaft

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Archive for 22. August 2021

How Biden Broke NATO

Posted by hkarner - 22. August 2021

Date: 20‑08‑2021Biden cc1

Source: The Wall Street Journal By The Editorial Board

The chaotic Afghan withdrawal has shocked and angered U.S. allies.

President Joe Biden

Remember when candidate Joe Biden said America “needs a leader the world respects”? Apparently President Biden forgot. Of the many consequences of his misbegotten Afghanistan withdrawal, one of the more serious is the way it has damaged America’s relationships with its allies, especially in Europe.

Afghanistan was an operation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and America’s NATO allies have invested significant blood and treasure in the conflict. That includes tens of thousands of troops over 20 years, more than 1,100 of whom were killed, and billions of dollars spent on the military operation and reconstruction effort.

This was a fulfillment of their obligations after the Sept. 11 terror attack led to the first invocation of the mutual self‑defense clause in NATO’s founding treaty. European allies also have a stake in preventing a nation of nearly 40 million people from collapsing into a failed state that could trigger more mass migration to Europe, or become a new breeding ground for terrorism. Den Rest des Beitrags lesen »

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