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Archive for 20. August 2021

China’s Communist Party Goes Back to Basics: Less for the Rich, More for the Poor

Posted by hkarner - 20. August 2021

Date: 19‑08‑2021

Source: The Wall Street Journal

President is signaling plans to more assertively promote social equality, with the catchphrase ‘common prosperity’ appearing everywhere

President Xi Jinping has said China must pursue common prosperity.

China gave priority to economic growth for most of the past 40 years. Now, Xi Jinping is signaling plans to more assertively promote social equality, as he tries to solidify popular support for continued Communist Party rule.

The push is captured by a catchphrase, “common prosperity,” now appearing everywhere in China, including in public speeches, state‑owned media and schools—and in comments from newly chastened business tycoons like Jack Ma.

Like many Communist party slogans, details remain vague. But officials and analysts who have tracked the phrase’s use say it is meant to convey the idea that leaders are returning to the party’s original ambitions to empower workers and the disadvantaged, and will limit gains of the capitalist class when necessary to address social inequities.

In a major meeting on financial and economic affairs Tuesday, President Xi described the wider goal of “common prosperity” as an “essential requirement of socialism.” Den Rest des Beitrags lesen »

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The Dangerous Balkan Standstill

Posted by hkarner - 20. August 2021

Date: 18‑08‑2021

Source: Project Syndicate by Carl Bildt

Carl Bildt was Sweden’s foreign minister from 2006 to 2014 and Prime Minister from 1991 to 1994, when he negotiated Sweden’s EU accession. A renowned international diplomat, he served as EU Special Envoy to the Former Yugoslavia, High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, UN Special Envoy to the Balkans, and Co‑Chairman of the Dayton Peace Conference. He is Co‑Chair of the European Council on Foreign Relations. 

Even after a quarter‑century of relative peace, the Balkans have yet to achieve the lasting stability that was hoped for when the region’s wars were brought to an end. And now that the EU integration process has stalled, one cannot rule out a return of violent conflict.

STOCKHOLM – With two decades of war in Afghanistan coming to the grimmest of possible ends, it is worth remembering that three decades have now passed since war came to the Balkans. Both are case studies in how the mismanagement of war can have devastating effects that linger for decades.

In the Balkans, a small war between the disintegrating state of Yugoslavia and one of its constitutive republics, Slovenia, was followed by a bigger conflict in Croatia. Within a year, a savage conflict was raging in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well. Suddenly, Europe’s “post‑war” period had ended.

The Balkan wars raged for a decade. The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the conflict in Bosnia in 1995, but then came the Kosovo War, which continued until 1999 and was followed, in 2001, by a serious outbreak of violence in what is now North Macedonia.

All told, the Balkan wars claimed more than 100,000 lives, displaced millions of people, and set back the region’s economic and social development by decades. Though it had been living largely on credit, the old Yugoslavia had given its citizens a better standard of living than those of its socialist peers. The country’s long, violent disintegration changed all that.

The peace agreements that were cobbled together at the time were merely stopgap measures. Everyone understood that lasting stability would require a wider and much more comprehensive framework. And so, in 2003, European Union leaders declared that all the region’s countries should work toward a future of stability and lasting peace within the EU.

No one expected that to happen overnight; but nor did anyone think the integration process would be as drawn‑out as it has been. Since Slovenia and Croatia’s accession in 2004 and 2013, respectively, the EU’s Balkan enlargement has effectively stalled.

The reason for this is twofold. First, political and economic reform in non‑EU Balkan countries has been painfully slow, while corruption and nationalist sentiment has become ever more entrenched. Second, support for further enlargement has faded within many EU countries. Though politicians still pay lip service to the idea, new hurdles and delays tend to be greeted with relief in several key member states.

Moreover, the problems within Balkan countries are severe. A quarter‑century after the Dayton Agreement, the international community has deemed Bosnia to be so politically dysfunctional as to warrant a new High Representative with wide‑ranging powers (I was the first to hold such an office, serving from 1995 to 1997), effectively derailing the country’s EU‑accession agenda.

Meanwhile, Serbia has come under the boot of an autocratic regime that flirts with China one day and kowtows to Russia the next, all while its representatives continue to put on a good face at the European Commission in Brussels. Despite enormous efforts by both the EU and the United States, the outstanding issues between Serbia and Kosovo are nowhere close to being resolved.

Finally, after being blocked from joining the EU by Greece (owing to a dispute over its name), North Macedonia now finds itself being blackballed by Bulgaria for reasons that go far back in the region’s history (but that lack any contemporary relevance).

Further complicating matters, the EU’s struggle to rein in the Hungarian and Polish governments’ attacks on the rule of law and independent media has dampened its appetite for taking a risk with potentially illiberal new members. When Hungary offers its enthusiastic support for Serbia’s accession bid, many others in the EU see a hidden agenda that must be blocked.

The EU’s overture in 2003 was a courageous and wise strategic step. But now that the prospect of Balkan integration is fading, the current charade cannot continue. Instead, political leaders must accept reality and start mapping out realistic interim steps that could improve conditions in the region without abandoning the final goal.

A good starting point is the Open Balkan initiative, which was designed to increase trade between Albania, North Macedonia, and Serbia. But it is not enough. The EU should take the lead by proposing a new arrangement, one that includes an offer of membership in its customs union and single market.

Three decades ago, the Balkan wars started with a small ten‑day conflict on Slovenia’s borders. Now, it is Slovenia that holds the Council of the European Union’s rotating chairmanship. Its leadership agenda includes a summit between all the Western Balkan countries and EU member states this October. That occasion should prompt clear and realistic thinking from all parties.

The alternative for the Western Balkans is a slide backward into violence. It has happened before. It is happening now in Afghanistan. It must not happen again in Europe.

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The US and China Are Not Destined for War

Posted by hkarner - 20. August 2021

Date: 18‑08‑2021

Source: Project Syndicate

Charles C. Krulak, a retired four‑star general, is a former commandant of the US Marine Corps and former president of Birmingham‑Southern College. 

Alex Friedman is a former chief financial officer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

As more commentators warn of a coming military conflict between the United States and China, it is easy to believe that war is inevitable. But while history suggests that rising powers will often clash with incumbent ones, there are important exceptions and unique present circumstances to consider.

BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA – In the year 2034, the United States and China become embroiled in a series of military conflicts that escalate into a devastating tactical nuclear war. Other countries – including Russia, Iran, and India – get involved. Suddenly, the world is on the verge of World War III.

This is the scenario described in 2034: A Novel of the Next World War, an engrossing work of speculative fiction by NATO’s former supreme commander, Admiral James Stavridis, and Elliot Ackerman. The book is part of a growing chorus now warning that a clash between the world’s current rising power and the incumbent one is almost unavoidable. Graham Allison of Harvard University has dubbed this phenomenon the Thucydides Trap, recalling the ancient Greek historian’s observation that, “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.” Den Rest des Beitrags lesen »

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