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The Antipope of Mar-a-Lago

Posted by hkarner - 1. Februar 2021

Politico, 29/1

What a medieval religious schism can teach us about Donald Trump’s unprecedented and radically antagonistic approach to the ex-presidency.

An illustration of Donald Trump in papal vestments, surrounding by followers in medieval attire

The ousted leader refused to relent to reality.

Set against a backdrop of avarice and inequality and persistent sickness, distrust and misrule, the leader exploited and exacerbated societal unrest to seize and flaunt vast power—doing anything and everything he could to try to keep it in his grip. He resisted pleas for unity and calm. He tested the loyalty of even his most ardent and important establishment supporters. He was censured and then toppled. Still, though, he declined to consider even the smallest acquiescence. Besieged and increasingly isolated, he faded as he aged—but he never yielded. Some people believed he had no less than the blessing of God.

Read the article: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2021/01/29/trump-antipope-president-mar-a-lago-463238

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